Automatic Sausage Vacuum Packaging Machine price
Automatic sausage vacuum packaging machine can automatically extract the air inside the bag, to achieve the required vacuum after the completion of sealing process, so that the formation of a vacuum bag to achieve durability, preservation effect.
Automatic Sausage Vacuum Packaging Machine uses the shaping mold to pack, firstly heating, shaping and then being packed. This machine can applied to use packing the solid, liquid or something soft and crisp. It is clean, high speed power saving and labor saving, suitable for packing frozen meat, meat, bean product, sea product and even hard wares, its will be widely used in the future.
1, excluding the packaging container part of the air (oxygen), can effectively prevent food spoilage.
2, the use of barrier (air tightness) excellent packaging materials and strict sealing technology and requirements, can effectively prevent the exchange of the contents of the packaging material, you can avoid food weight loss, odor, but also to prevent secondary pollution.
3, vacuum packaging container internal gas has been ruled out to accelerate the heat conduction, which can improve the heat sterilization efficiency, but also to avoid the heat sterilization, due to the expansion of the gas leaving the packaging container rupture.